King's UX Design
Career Accelerator

King's UX
Design Career

Gain a deeper understanding of how to create meaningful experiences for users of digital products and services.

9,225 people already showed interest in this programme

In collaboration with


6 months, online

Time commitment:

15-20 hours per week


Flexible payment options available

Start Date: 8 July 2024

Register by 1 July

The King’s UX Design Career Accelerator will show you why design matters – and how it is experienced. We will explore how design is not just a technical problem but also a cultural, social and political one. Through all this, we will prepare you for a range of industries and careers where you will be able to shape how we interface with the world, digitally and materially.

Professor Joanna Zylinska
Professor of Media Philosophy & Critical Digital Practice, Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London


You'll benefit from


A strong understanding of the fundamentals of UX Design and you'll develop the essential human skills required to effectively communicate with engineers and teams UX designers work with in practice.


The opportunity to undertake an Employer Project co-designed by leaders in recruitment and tech to help you build real-world skills and gain exposure to an industry network.


The chance to earn university certification from King’s College London as you complete world-class coursework based on the expertise of leading academics and industry experts.


A suite of career services including access to a success team for real-time support, opportunities for 1:1 career coaching and mentorship, and more.


Places are limited

Download the programme brochure to learn more about the curriculum and Employer Project.


Of those working in UX Design come from a broad range of backgrounds including teaching, banking, office administration and more. 44% come from roles in tech like digital marketing, visual design, and software development.1

Who is this programme for?

Career Starters

This programme will focus on people looking to break into UX Design, with no prior experience or background in the field.

Career Changers

Interested in making a switch? It's never too late to change paths. Choose a high-growth career in UX.

Career Advancers

Formalise your existing experience or advance your knowledge and skills in the field of UX.

Achieve your career goals — faster

This King’s College London online programme is developed and delivered in collaboration with FourthRev, the online education company behind the Career Accelerator learning model – built to meet the demands of the digital economy.

A holistic approach to career-driven education integrates technical competencies, applied knowledge, human skills and a growth mindset.

Developed by a world-leading university in collaboration with top tech companies and employers to ensure outcomes align with industry demand.

As part of a smaller student group, you’ll benefit from intimate networking opportunities and focused attention from your Success Team and Career Coach.

      To solve a problem well, you need to understand it deeply - and to understand the problem, you need to understand your users. UX designers need to be able to translate that problem, and the solution, for the people they work with, especially development teams.Purple_quotePurple_quote

Loc Nguyen
Senior Engineering Manager at Mailchimp

Who you'll learn from

Your programme content is shaped by the Department of Digital Humanities within the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at King’s College London – home to internationally respected academics – in collaboration with tech and employer partners.

Professor Stuart Dunn

 Professor of Spatial Humanities, Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London

Professor Joanna Zylinska

Professor of Media Philosophy & Critical Digital Practice, Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London

Career coaching is an integral part of the Career Accelerator programmes. Coaches work with you in 1:1 sessions to identify and develop the employability traits and personal skills needed to thrive at every stage of your career.

Get the brochure

Complete the form below and receive more information on this Career Accelerator. You will be redirected to the programme brochure on submission.